Training prouduct of Creative Child

بسته _کودک_خلاق_سطح1

Package level 1 from Creative Child’s training products consists of parts used in mechanical engineering. These parts are some types of perforated stripes, girders, bolts and nuts, wrenches and screwdrivers, flanged plates, etc. Mechanical engineering is the basis of all kinds of engineering. In our surroundings we cannot find a structure or machine in which mechanical basis is not found. An English man named Frank Hornby established designing these structures about 110 years ago.

بسته _کودک_خلاق_سطح2

The target of working with Creative Child training package is to educate children on entrepreneurship skills. For this purpose, considering children’s characteristics in this age, the trainer plans to nurture their creativity beside helping them to grow emotionally, socially, cognitively and physically. In order to improve a child’s creativity, solutions such as building confidence, encouraging to have perseverance and determination, increasing self-motivation, appropriate risk-taking, more concentration and attention are  needed.

کتاب کودک خلاق جلد اول

Storytelling at its best has interactive innovation. Children listen to words and then create their own imagination. This results in imagination and mind enhancement.

Stories such as Beauty and the Beast or Pinocchio are all parts of shared childhood memories. Memories that we still are looking for their familiar image and this means believing in the absolute impact of the stories and their strong force. The same force that connects childhood to adulthood.

کتاب کودک خلاق جلد دوم

Through examining stages of child development, Games can be designed proportional to the child’s age. Playing the game, children can gain appropriate abilities. Needless to say, every child goes through these stages according to his or her mental and physical characteristics. However, sufficient growth means acquiring and mastering skills and abilities which a child needs in adulthood and progress in it is made by playing the game.

کتاب کودک خلاق جلد سوم

Beside formal education at schools, children and teenagers need to acquire other skills as well, namely behavioral, personality and communication ones which are referred to as life skills.